
It’s Been A Minute

Well, now. It sure has been a while since I’ve posted here. I’ve just moved to a statically-generated site. Now the content is simple markdown, which is gene...

And Then There Was Wordpress

My last post here was October, 2008.  I’m sure nobody missed my rantings and ravings here, but I missed the ranting and raving.  There were dozens of times o...

Why I Blog

A couple of my peers have both written entries on a similar vane, and now I feel compelled to catch up.

And…. We’re Back

Who’d have thunk I’d have been so busy with life that it would take me several months to switch servers?

Upgrade From Dupral 4.6 to 4.7

For those of you on RSS, I apologize for the several re-posts this morning. I upgraded Drupal from 4.6 to 4.7, which was a non-trivial undertaking. It seems ...

This Is Not the Samus You’re Looking For

If you’re seeing this entry, then you are viewing my site at its new home. Those of you who keep track of the IP addresses you visit will notice that ardvaar...

Downtime Apology

For those of you who are incessant Dumping Ground followers: I apologize for the downtime this afternoon. I finally took the time to upgrade to MySQL 4.1, an...

Enabled Comments

For the first time since I was comment spammed many moons ago, I have enabled comments on my blog. This is mostly because Drupal has a lot better comment mod...

Making Old Links Work with mod_rewrite

So one of the big concerns with moving from an old blog installation to new software is the possibility of breaking links from around the Internet to content...

Prepare to be Boarded!

Avast! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day, ye scurvy land lubbers! Ye be keel hauled lest ye be talkin’ like a pirate for the rest o’ the day. Y’arr!!! So shiver m...

ArdCam - Now With 37% More Salt!!

For those crazy ArdCam watchers out there, you’ll be happy to know I have just moved the camera off of my laptop and on to Samus. So why should this make you...

Comment Spammed

So I was comment-spammed. And that sucks. At least they could have comment-spammed me for something stupid like a penis-enlargement pill or an URGENT INVESTO...

More Exposure

As if dumping my thoughts onto the web wasn’t enough, I have set up a web cam. Check it out to see my mug and what WinAMP is playing.

RSS Change

I’ve disabled story text in The Burrow’s RSS feed. It is currently broken in that it doesn’t dump any HTML into the feed, thus making it look utterly stupid ...

Back Online Again

Holy crap it’s been a long time since I posted anything. Maybe that would be because I just got my DSL back up and running a week or two ago. I rebuilt samus...

Michelangelo Never Had It So Good

Check out this story on Yahoo! News. It’s about a $2 million party thrown by the former chief executive of the Tyco corporation. The party included “an anato... Going Down

Friday morning,, which includes this blog, will be down for several days. I am moving to the Right Coast, and I have to drive the servers across...

Up and Running!

I’ve finally gotten off my duff and getten some sort of server up and running. We’ll see how it suits my needs over the next few days. That means that The Du...