Gentoo is Cool
I’ve been working hard over the past several days to get Gentoo Linux up and running on a VMWare machine. After about two solid days of compiling, I finally ...
I’ve been working hard over the past several days to get Gentoo Linux up and running on a VMWare machine. After about two solid days of compiling, I finally ...
Sweet! Microsoft just released the C# 2.0 Specifications. It’s available in Microsoft Word format only.
In my many conversations with some of my anit-Microsoft friends, I have, of late, frequently espoused that Microsoft has changed in the last few years. While...
I am a big fan of the Mozilla family of products. This morning, I downloaded the newest version of Thunderbird (0.3) and started it up. It created a process,...
Provided we found our way to the airport correctly, Hedda and I should be taking off from BWI back to Chicago right now. (I am pre-dating this entry, so it s...
Hedda and I found an apartment yesterday. It’s a different style place than we’ve been used to, though. We’ve lived in a building built around the turn of th...
My good friend Chris Schultz (whose wife invaded my earlier post) is a big Linux fan. In truth, he was responsible for introducing me to the open source oper...