Alan Turing Was Gay

Courtesy of some comments on a Slashdot post, I have just learned that Alan Turing was homosexual. To which I say, “Good for him.” According to a biography o...

March For Women’s Lives

Hedda, Katie, Chris, and I spent the morning and afternoon in the midst of the March for Women’s Lives in DC. The march was a rally mainly for the pro-choice...

Working in the Park

I got my new backpack from Amazon yesterday. Amazingly, I got a shipping notice at 1:22, and the package had arrived by 13:00! That was fast!

Irony (n.)

The CEO of McDonald’s has died of a heart attack.

The First Step Towards Perfect Control

I was checking out my logs to see if anybody had downloaded my Explosive Ammo Mutator, and I noticed the user agent: "NPBot (

How To Make A Latte

After getting my milk steamer, it took me a long time to figure out how to use it correctly. It’s surprisingly difficult, but I finally figured out exactly h...