Alan Turing Was Gay

Courtesy of some comments on a Slashdot post, I have just learned that Alan Turing was homosexual. To which I say, “Good for him.” According to a biography o...

March For Women’s Lives

Hedda, Katie, Chris, and I spent the morning and afternoon in the midst of the March for Women’s Lives in DC. The march was a rally mainly for the pro-choice...

Working in the Park

I got my new backpack from Amazon yesterday. Amazingly, I got a shipping notice at 1:22, and the package had arrived by 13:00! That was fast!

Irony (n.)

The CEO of McDonald’s has died of a heart attack.

The First Step Towards Perfect Control

I was checking out my logs to see if anybody had downloaded my Explosive Ammo Mutator, and I noticed the user agent: "NPBot (

How To Make A Latte

After getting my milk steamer, it took me a long time to figure out how to use it correctly. It’s surprisingly difficult, but I finally figured out exactly h...

Saturday Night Tickets On Sale

The show draws near! Just another few weeks of rehearsal. If you want to order tickets, they went on sale today. So come see me sing and dance and stuff.