March For Women Photo

There is a photo of us when we were Marching for Women’s Lives. From left to right, that is Alex Lo, Brian Vargas (me), Heather Vargas (my wife), Katie Schul...

Sunday Morning

Saturday Night is over. No more rehearsals, no more call, no more brush-ups, no more curtain. No more “Exhibit A” and no more cast parties. It’s really very ...

Cicada Algorithm Reverse Engineered

There are a few cicadas on my porch, and I have been fascinated for much of the morning by their behavior. One of them has spent a large portion of its time ...

Geneer Wall Gantt Timewarp

Back in the old days at Geneer, before they went out of business and screwed a bunch of us out of two weeks pay, we used to do a lot of cool experimentation ...

Build A Better Blog

I’ve been not-too-enamoured with Geeklog for quite a while now, and I’ve been experimenting with a lot of different blog engines. Recently, I was pointed at ...

Windows 3.1 Review

Chris and I happened to stumble across some old Windows 3.1 disks today. I installed it on a virtual machine and took a trip down memory lane. I’d forgotten ...