Inalienable, Alienable Rights

Late last week, I had a voice mail from my theater director, friend, and mentor Marty Grubbs. He was visiting a friend only a few miles away from my new home...

Machine Check Exception

So I was upgrading Samus to a new version of gcc/glibc, as provided by portage, and Chris stopped by before we went to lunch. We were chatting about some thi...

Convergence is for the Birds

There’s an article over on Slashdot asking [if the Personal (Digital Data) Assistant (PDA) is dead](

Comment Spammed

So I was comment-spammed. And that sucks. At least they could have comment-spammed me for something stupid like a penis-enlargement pill or an URGENT INVESTO...

UT2004 Jackbot Query Script

You might have noticed the link over on the side of the page for The Burrow. That’s the Unreal Tournament 2004 game server I have running on samus.ardvaark.n...

New Explosive Ammo Version

I’ve put together a new version of the Unreal Tournament 2004 Explosive Ammo Mutator. This new version fixes the single-player special effects that were brok...