More Semantic WinFS

I want to followup to my post on semantic web technologies and WinFS. Steve updated his previous post on the subject to respond lightly to my post. To quote:

Yuletide Cheer

I couldn’t agree more. Given the retail penchant for beginning Christmas Season earlier and earlier every year, I’m surprised people aren’t really flipping o...

Environment Changes & Human Rights

Is living your chosen way of life a basic human right? It seems obvious enough, especially if your way of life is older than most. It seems that the Inuit ar...

The Semantic WinFS

Steve is mulling over the potential reasons for the WinFS delay. His general thought is that writing a new metadata filesystem is hard because we need canoni...

Using Bloglines

I started using Bloglines a few weeks ago. With the doom of my hard drive and the ensuing several week hiatus from my news aggregator, I decided to check it ...

T-Mobile SMTP Interception

Hedda and I have been in South Bend for the last couple of weeks spending time with the family. Fortunately, most of my work can occur remotely, so I am easi...