Desi Deschaine - You Will Be Missed
I write with a heavy heart that our good friend Desi Deschaine has passed away. As a staffer for Mayor Williams, and later Councilmember Jack Evans, Desi ti...
I write with a heavy heart that our good friend Desi Deschaine has passed away. As a staffer for Mayor Williams, and later Councilmember Jack Evans, Desi ti...
One of the awful, terrible, no-good parts of Vista was its multi-monitor support. My set up is a laptop mounted in a docking station with a second monitor. ...
The Metrorail system is deeply inculcated into the fabric of transportation in the DC Metro Area. Everyone uses it, at least once or twice. It is a testame...
An interesting and often-mocked technical limitation of Twitter is the 140-character limit. The semantics of the buzzword “microblog” aside, I notice in my ...
I am really not intending to make this blog a running commentary on DC Alerts, but sometimes my hand just gets forced. Though my last post on the issue was ...
I was pretty harsh on DC Alerts in my last post. And I stand by that. But say what I might about DC Alerts, I do have to give them props for one thing: The...
The idea behind Alert DC’s text-messaging/email alert system is a good one: Broadcast information about emergency situations to interested and/or affected pa...