Desi Deschaine - You Will Be Missed

I write with a heavy heart that our good friend Desi Deschaine has passed away. As a staffer for Mayor Williams, and later Councilmember Jack Evans, Desi ti...

Blame for the Metro Crash

The Metrorail system is deeply inculcated into the fabric of transportation in the DC Metro Area.  Everyone uses it, at least once or twice.  It is a testame...

Twitter and Compression of Meaning

An interesting and often-mocked technical limitation of Twitter is the 140-character limit.  The semantics of the buzzword “microblog” aside, I notice in my ...

DC Alerts Does It Again

I am really not intending to make this blog a running commentary on DC Alerts, but sometimes my hand just gets forced.  Though my last post on the issue was ...

DC Alerts Needs To Take Its Role Seriously

The idea behind Alert DC’s text-messaging/email alert system is a good one: Broadcast information about emergency situations to interested and/or affected pa...