Microsoft Sued by…Real
So, yea, Microsoft is being sued again for unfair competition, and the claims in the suit seem amazingly similar to those brought by Netscape several years e...
So, yea, Microsoft is being sued again for unfair competition, and the claims in the suit seem amazingly similar to those brought by Netscape several years e...
No, not the war on terror, but the war on civil liberties. It’s nice to see that some people in power still believe in that whole silly “Bill of Rights” thing.
Q: What’s more annoying than … well … anything at all?
As if dumping my thoughts onto the web wasn’t enough, I have set up a web cam. Check it out to see my mug and what WinAMP is playing.
(How’s that for a provocative post title? I can’t wait for the flames!)
A blog entry flitted across my browser, which I occaisoned to read. It’s one of those “Dammit, I wish I’d written that myself!” things. The basic gist is tha...
While ego surfing, I discovered this LiveJournal entry by my good friend Teddy. It describes our wedding. (No, silly. To Hedda, not to Teddy.) I didn’t even ...