Patching DotNetMock
I have been working on a project at home for which I am using DotNetMock to create mock objects for my unit testing. Unfortunately, DotNetMock has a couple o...
I have been working on a project at home for which I am using DotNetMock to create mock objects for my unit testing. Unfortunately, DotNetMock has a couple o...
Tonight marked the start of the second weekend of the run of Saturday Night. My mom made the trek from Indiana to see the show, and we’ve had a great time si...
The explosive ammo mutator got noticed over at the Atari forums. A quick grep '' access_log | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort | uniq | wc -l reveals ...
The post I had accidentally deleted has been restored thanks to the Google Cache. Thanks to BTJ for expressing his desire to help, but not actually doing any...
The Washington Post has the first review of Saturday Night. The review is not very positive, which is too bad. Still, at least nothing bad was directly said ...
I hate Arlington Courthouse Plaza. I mean, it’s an okay building and all. It has nice, solid concrete and working elevators. The people are nice, and they pu...
I was updating my post on the fire alarm this morning, and I seem to have accidentally pasted over the wrong entry, thus deleting my Alan Turing Was Gay post...