And…. We’re Back
Who’d have thunk I’d have been so busy with life that it would take me several months to switch servers?
Who’d have thunk I’d have been so busy with life that it would take me several months to switch servers?
This is a test of the blog site migration.
Over at Wired, there’s a great little editorial on one player’s discovery of so-called terrorist tactics in Halo 3.
So, I guess there’s something going on about whether or not Clinton’s campaign left a tip after dining at a restaurant in Iowa? Whatever. Who the fuck cares?...
From the Washington Post Corrections for October 12, 2007:
Some super-rich fashion designer bought Barry Bonds’ magic home-run ball, and then put up a poll online to determine its fate. If you hadn’t heard, the optio...
Discovering I have half as much toothpaste as I thought, because of a huge air pocket in the tube, makes me sad.