
New Explosive Ammo Version

I’ve put together a new version of the Unreal Tournament 2004 Explosive Ammo Mutator. This new version fixes the single-player special effects that were brok...

Mutator Popularity

The explosive ammo mutator got noticed over at the Atari forums. A quick grep 'ExplosiveAmmo.zip' access_log | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort | uniq | wc -l reveals ...

UnrealScript and Domain-Specific Languages

UnrealScript is really cool. I’ve been working on my Explosive Ammo Mutator for UT 2004, so I’ve gotten a pretty good crash course in Epic’s scripting langu...

UT2004 Explosive Ammo Mutator

My current gaming addiction is Unreal Tournament 2004. I just cannot get enough of this game. Of the ten different game modes, Onslaught really takes the c...